
TwitterTwitter connects businesses to customers in real-time. Businesses use Twitter to quickly share information with people interested in their products and services, gather real-time market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships with customers, partners and influential people. From brand lift, to CRM, to direct sales, Twitter offers businesses a chance to reach an engaged audience.

At the heart of Twitter are small bursts of information called Tweets. Each Tweet is 140 characters in length. Connected to each Tweet is a rich details pane that provides additional information, deeper context and embedded media. You can tell your story within your Tweet, or you can think of a Tweet as the headline, and use the details pane to tell the rest with photos, videos and other media content.

Twitter by the numbers (as of March 2011)

  • There are more than 106 million accounts on Twitter
  • The number of Twitter users increases by 300,000 per day
  • Twitter gets more than 3 billion requests each day from more than 180 million unique visitors
  • There are about 600 Tweets being generated per second

What Can We Do For You?

Presence @ can set up your Twitter account and put you in a position to get your message out to thousands of new and existing customers. We can integrate Twitter tools with your website to make it easier for visitors to spread information about your business or contact you directly to offer praise and suggestions. Working together, we can create a comprehensive plan on how you can use Twitter to better your business.

Ready to talk about what you need?